School of Business and Information Sciences Core Competencies

Competencies are abilities to do things. Employers expect their employees to perform in such a way so that organizations can meet their goals and grow, thus increasing value to the organization and its customers. Therefore, employees need to act, to do things that bring value to the bottom line. Over and above having knowledge from a content point of view, employees must have certain capabilities or competencies.

The portfolio is the primary means of demonstrating mastery of a set of these skills. The Felician undergraduate business program has been designed around the following six (6) core competencies:

  • Critical Reasoning
  • Effective Communication
  • Ethical Decision Making
  • Personal Accountability
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Teamwork

Throughout the course of study, students are expected to build a portfolio demonstrating mastery of the core competencies. As part of the capstone course, students will orally present their portfolios.

Computer science core requirements cover algorithms, data structures, logic, programming languages, operating systems, architecture, network and database systems, theory of computation, and software development and testing.  After finishing the core courses, students will be able to demonstrate a breadth and depth of knowledge in the discipline of computer science, as well as build critical thinking skills in the analysis of complex problems and the synthesis of solutions to those problems.