School of Arts and Sciences Learning Outcomes

Students who major in the School of Arts and Sciences will:

  1. Explore the significance of God and the spiritual dimensions of human existence vis-á-vis the created order and the works of humankind, and articulate the importance and influence of Franciscan values by constructing a personal philosophy of responsibility that promotes a more just and humane society with reverence for God’s creation.
  2. Formulate and apply lifelong learning skills required for personal development and ethical living by integrating the intellect, emotion, body, and spirit in modeling lives of responsibility to self and others.
  3. Utilize both new and traditional methods of communication and creative expression to articulate and interpret experiences through reading, writing, listening, speaking, making, and/or performing.
  4. Apply skills of analysis, judgment, interpretation, space synthesis, and evaluation through critical reading, writing, listening, seeing, making, and/or problem solving.
  5. Locate, evaluate, and use information obtained from a variety of sources according to its accuracy, authority, currency, integrity, legality, objectivity, and adapt that information for a specific purpose to generate a particular original product, presentation, or performance.
  6. Implement technology to facilitate learning and professional development, and to advance discipline-specific knowledge and skills.
  7. Represent and interpret quantitative/qualitative information symbolically, graphically, numerically, verbally, and in written form, and use inductive reasoning to draw general and supportable conclusions from data.
  8. Explore cross-cultural issues, ideologies, perspectives, space and articulate the contributions that people of diverse backgrounds and disciplines bring to an interdependent and multicultural world.