GECC Theme Areas & Student Learning Outcomes

The following are required for fulfilling the General Education requirements at Felician University:

  1. Faith & Reason (6 credits): Synthesize the Catholic-Franciscan spiritual and intellectual traditions as a foundation to the advancement of a just and peaceful society, and a sustainable global environment.
  2. Ethics, Values, and Truth (3 credits): Develop a framework of values and ethics to guide reflective decision making through the pursuit of truth and a deeper understanding of oneself and the world.
  3. Communication & Expression (6 credits: ENG-101 & 3-credit course from Area): Communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening, speaking, and creative expression.
  4. Critical & Analytical Thinking (3 credits): Critique information, ideas, positions, solutions, and actions, through analysis of a variety of resources to reach reasoned and supportable conclusions.
  5. Information Literacy (4 credits: ENG-102 & LS-100): Utilize information from diverse sources critically, creatively, and effectively in the service of creating knowledge.
  6. Technological Acumen : (3/4 credits to be determined by Major/School): Use technological resources creatively, ethically, legally, and with integrity.
  7. Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning (7 or 8 credits: 3 or 4 Math & 4 Lab Science): Utilize and apply quantitative and scientific methods to interpret and critically evaluate information and phenomena.
  8. Global Consciousness (6 credits): Embrace a global perspective through engagement with concerns, trends, gifts and challenges of diverse cultures.
  9. Liberal Arts Concentration (9 credits within Arts & Sciences to be determined by Major/School)