Institutional Review Board

The Felician University Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects (IRB) reviews all research protocols involving human subjects. This includes human subject research to be carried out by any student, faculty, or staff member of Felician University. This also extends to any human subject research originating from an external institution or organization that is to be carried out on Felician University property or with Felician classes, teams, or cohorts officially meeting at off-campus locations (e.g., Felician courses being taught at community colleges). External researchers wishing to use the Felician email system or to post advertisements on campus for the purpose of soliciting groups of Felician students, faculty, or staff members as research participants must obtain all necessary permissions, including approval from the Felician University IRB. This requirement holds whether or not the research has already been approved by another IRB. Members of the Felician University community should contact the Felician University IRB Chairperson if they are asked to participate in a research project but are unsure of that project’s approval status.

The primary responsibility of the IRB is to safeguard the rights and welfare of research subjects. In addition, the IRB is charged with protecting the researcher and the University by ensuring that all human subject research conforms to the requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 45 part 46 (45 CFR 46), together with any other applicable federal, state, or local codes and revisions.

The review process begins with the Application located on the IRB page under the University website.  The IRB holds periodic workshops or special class sessions to provide information to the campus community regarding IRB application procedures, informed consent, the IRB review and approval process, and follow-up requirements.  Instructions, forms, and templates may be also obtained directly from the Felician IRB Chairperson. Any questions or concerns about human subject research should be directed to the IRB Chair, Sister H. Grzeszczuk, Kirby Hall 212 (ext. 6162).