Felician University Learning Outcomes

Graduates of Felician University will:

  1. Synthesize the Catholic-Franciscan spiritual and intellectual traditions as a foundation to the advancement of a just and peaceful society, and a sustainable global environment.
  2. Develop a framework of values and ethics to guide reflective decision-making through the pursuit of truth and a deeper understanding of oneself and the world.
  3. Communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening, speaking, and creative expression.
  4. Critique information, ideas, positions, solutions, and actions, through analysis of a variety of resources to reach reasoned and supportable conclusions.
  5. Utilize information from diverse sources critically, creatively, and effectively in the service of creating knowledge.
  6. Use technological resources creatively, ethically, legally, and with integrity.
  7. Utilize and apply quantitative and scientific methods to interpret and critically evaluate information and phenomena.
  8. Embrace a global perspective through engagement with concerns, trends, gifts and challenges of diverse cultures.