A candidate will not be assigned to a school/town/district if the following criteria apply:
- A candidate has or currently resides in a requested school/town/district and has family members currently employed for said district.
- A candidate has been or is currently employed in a requested school/town/district.*
- A candidate has been or is currently an aide/assistant, board member (or related to one) or a PTA/PTO executive member in a requested school/town/district.**
- A candidate has children attending a school in a requested school/town/district.
- A candidate has a relative attending/ employed in a requested school/town/district
- A candidate has any other affiliation with any of the requested schools/towns/districts.
- A candidate who fails to indicate any of the above information on the Clinical Practice Application Form/Clinical Practice I & II Request for Placement Form which is processed by the Office of Field Experiences may be removed from this placement.
* A candidate working in a private school that does not require certification will have their situation reviewed on a case by case basis.
** A candidate who has been an aide or a paraprofessional may complete CP I and II in their school of employment with the approval of the Dean and/or Associate Dean.