Information Technology, Information Systems and University Helpdesk

General Information

Information Technology, Information Systems and Audio-Visual Services at Felician University strives to provide state-of-the-art technology solutions that meet the needs of our university community, and we are committed to providing the best user support possible.

User Services consists of the Help Desk, Enterprise Desktop Support, Information Service Reporting, and Audio-Visual Services. In coordination, they resolve technology-related requests, resolve technical problems, maintain, and develop technology infrastructure, and more.

For Helpdesk assistance contact 201-559-6165. If you are experiencing any issues in the classroom and/or in your office, please be sure to immediately place a helpdesk ticket so that we can address the issue. Website access:

Tutorials for Office365 & Additional assistance:

New Locations: Lodi Helpdesk is now located on the second floor of Obal Hall: Room 204. Rutherford Helpdesk is now located in Ed Commons: 1st Level.

Who We Are

Information Technology:

Christopher Finch- Assistant VP, Office Phone: 201-559-6084 (Location: Lodi-Obal Hall 2nd Floor Room 204)

Kelly Burke- IT Help Desk Coordinator, Office Phone: 201-559-6165 (Location: Lodi-Obal Hall 2nd Floor Room 204)

Cody Hildebrand- Help Desk Support Tech (Location: Rutherford Ed Commons)

Brady Fernandez- IT Help Desk Specialist (Location: Lodi-Obal Hall 2nd Floor Room 204)

Henry Rutland- IT Help Desk, Office Phone: 201-559-6058

Information Systems:

Craig Savino - Director of Information Systems, Office Phone: 201-559-6123, Lodi Campus – Albin Obal Hall (ground floor)
Cynthia Vincenti - Assistant Director of Information Systems, Office Phone: 201-559-1920, Lodi Campus – Albin Obal Hall (ground floor)
Derek Bioh - Systems Analyst, Office Phone: 201-559-3038, Lodi Campus – Albin Obal Hall (ground floor)

Audio Visual:

Audio Visual and AV set up – contact Hendrick Cuadro 1 month prior to your scheduled event.
Hendrick Cuadro- Director of Audio and Visual Office, Office Phone: 201-559-6100 (Location: Lodi-Obal Hall Cafeteria Level-AV Room)

Dr. Deanna Valente, Dean of Information Technology, Academic Technology and Learning & Development.

E Mail and Internet Policy

Every employee of Felician University is responsible for using the electronic mail (E-mail) system properly and in accordance with this policy. Any questions about this policy should be addressed in writing to the Assistant Vice President of Information Technology.

The E-mail system is the property of Felician University. It has been provided by the University for use in conducting the University’s business. All communications and information transmitted by, received from or stored in this system, are the records and property of Felician University. The E-mail system is to be used for business of the University only. Use of the E-mail system by employees for personal purposes is prohibited, such as advertising apartments for rent, tickets for sale, pets for adoption, etc.

Employees have no right of personal privacy in any matter stored in, created, received, or sent over the Felician University E-mail system.

Felician University, in its discretion as owner of the E-mail system, reserves and may exercise the right to monitor, access, retrieve and delete any matter stored in, created, received or sent over the E- mail system for any reason without the permission of any employee and without notice.

Even if employees use a password to access the E-mail system, the confidentiality of any message stored in, created, received or sent from the Felician University E-mail system still cannot be assured. Use of passwords or other security measures does not in any way diminish the University’s rights to access materials on its system or create any privacy rights of employees in the messages and files on the system. Any password used by employees must be revealed to Felician University, as E-mail files may need to be accessed by the University in an employee’s absence.

Employees should be aware that deletion of any E-mail messages or files will not truly eliminate the messages from the system. All E-mail messages are stored on a central back-up system in the normal course of data management. Assume that any E-mail message you send may remain in the University’s records forever.

Even though Felician University has the right to retrieve and read any E-mail messages, those messages should still be treated as confidential by other employees and accessed only by the intended recipient. Employees are not authorized to retrieve or read any E-mail messages that are not sent to them. Any exception to this policy must receive the prior approval of the Assistant Vice President of Information Technology.

Felician University’s employment opportunity policy and its policies against sexual or other harassment apply fully to the E-mail system and any violation of those policies is grounds for discipline, up to and including discharge. Therefore, no E-mail messages should be created, sent or received if they contain intimidating, hostile or offensive material concerning sex, race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, status as a Vietnam-era or special disabled veteran or any other classification protected by law.

Felician University’s employment opportunity policy and its policies against sexual or other harassment apply fully to the E-mail system and any violation of those policies is grounds for discipline, up to and including discharge. Therefore, no E-mail messages should be created, sent or received if they contain intimidating, hostile or offensive material concerning sex, race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, status as a Vietnam-era or special disabled veteran or any other classification protected by law.

The E-mail system may not be used to solicit for any non-job-related solicitations or in any other way that violates the University’s non-solicitation policy.

The E-mail system shall not be used to send (upload) or receive (download) copyrighted materials, trade secrets, proprietary financial information or similar materials without prior authorization from the Assistant Vice President of Information Technology. Employees, if uncertain about whether certain information is copyrighted, proprietary or otherwise inappropriate for transfer, should resolve all doubts in favor of not transferring the information and consult the Assistant Vice President of Information Technology.

Although the University recognizes that the Internet may have useful applications to its business, employees may only engage in Internet use for a specific business purpose which requires such use. Absent such specific business purpose, employees may not access the Internet using the University’s computer systems at any time or for any reason. “Surfing the Net” is not a legitimate business activity.

Also notice that browser based E-mail such as hotmail, yahoo, msn, etc. should abide by this policy and can be tracked by user or computer.

The approval of the Assistant Vice President of Information Technology is required before anyone can post any information on commercial on-line systems or the Internet. Any approved material that is posted should obtain all proper copyright and trademark notices. Absent prior approval from Felician University, to act as an official representative of the University, employees posting information must include a disclaimer in that information stating that “Views expressed by the author do not necessarily represent those of the University.”

Users should routinely delete outdated or otherwise unnecessary E-mails and computer files. These deletions will help keep the system running smoothly and effectively, as well as minimize maintenance costs. All users have a storage quota assigned to their mailbox and if exceeded you will no longer be able to send mail until reduced.

Employees are reminded to be courteous to other users of the system and always to conduct themselves in a professional manner. E-mails are sometimes misdirected or forwarded and may be viewed inadvertently by persons other than the intended recipient. Users should write E-mail communications with no less care, judgment and responsibility than they would use for letters or internal memoranda written on the University’s letterhead.

Because E-mail records and computer files may be subject to discovery in litigation, Felician University employees are expected to avoid making statements in E-mail or computer files that would not reflect favorably on the employee or the University if disclosed in litigation or otherwise.

Any employee who discovers misuse of the E-mail system should immediately contact the Assistant Vice President of Information Technology.

Violations of the Felician University E-mail policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge.

The University reserves the right to modify this policy at any time, with or without notice. Use of any aspect of the University’s computer system constitutes consent by the user to all of the terms and conditions of this policy.

Employee accounts are deactivated upon separation from the university unless otherwise agreed upon by the institution.

Employee Email Accounts

· Employee email accounts are created for all employees at time of hire.

· New full-time employees receive their email account information during their employee orientation. Adjunct and part-time employees can contact the Helpdesk for assistance with accessing their accounts.

· Employee accounts are deactivated upon separation from the university unless otherwise agreed upon by the institution.

Student Email Accounts

· Student email accounts are created for all students at the time of acceptance.

· Students receive their email account information in their acceptance letters.

· Student accounts are kept active for approximately one year from graduation or the last semester of attendance. Accounts for accepted prospective students who elected not to attend Felician University are deactivated.