Honors Advisory Board

Felician University’s Honors Advisory Board consists of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Enrollment Management, a representative from the Registrar, a representative from the Office of Admissions, the President of the Honor’s Student Association, and a faculty representative from each School (Arts and Sciences, Business, Education, and Nursing and Health Sciences). The Director of the Honors Program, who is a faculty member, chairs the Board, which makes and approves policies for the Program.

The Vice President for Academic Affairs appoints the Honors Director and is the administrator to whom the Director reports. The duties of the latter include scheduling of Honors courses each semester, recruiting prospective Honors students, maintaining records, sending notices of Honors activities to the Public Relations Office, scheduling Honors-sponsored and related activities, conducting the annual awards ceremony, and moderating the Honors Students Association.

Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Director of the Honors Program.