Grade Point Average

At the end of each semester the grade point average (sem GPA) and cumulative grade point average (cum GPA) are computed to indicate the general level of academic performance of each student. These indices are determined by dividing the total number of quality points (sem/cum respectively) by the number of credit-hours taken (sem/cum). To determine the quality points, one multiplies the credit worth of each course by the quality point index assigned to each grade (e.g. “A”=4.000, 3 credits x 4 (index) = 12 quality points). The semester GPA is based upon only those courses completed during a given semester. The cumulative GPA is based on all courses completed at Felician University.

Credit-hours for grade “F” are included in the calculation. Courses graded INC are not included in the calculation until the grade is resolved or recorded as an “F.” While PASS is recorded as a grade on the permanent record, PASS grades are not included in the quality point index.

Grades for courses that carry in-house credits (for example, developmental courses) are not included in the grade point average.

Specifically, 2.000 is the minimum cumulative GPA needed for graduation from the School of Arts and Sciences. The minimum GPA for graduation from the School of Business is 2.500. The GPA required for graduations from the MBA Program is 3.000. A GPA of 3.000 is required for graduation from the School of Education Programs. The GPA requirement for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing is 2.750, and a 3.000 is required for the Master of Science in Nursing degree program

Felician University Associate Degree graduates who enter a Baccalaureate program will continue their GPA unless a written request is submitted to the Registrar’s office.