Course Attempts and Repeats

Course Attempt:

Courses are considered an “attempt” the day after the close of the initial Add/Drop Period. All attempted courses appear on the student’s academic transcript.

Course Repeat Policy:

  1. Students must repeat major or major-related courses in which they earn a “D” or an “F.”
  2. Students must repeat attempted major courses from which they have withdrawn.
  3. A second attempt at the same course is considered a “Repeat.”
  4. Students cannot repeat elective courses in which grades other than a “D” or an “F” have been earned.
  5. Credits for a repeated course are counted only once.
  6. The grade for the “Repeat” course becomes the official grade. Quality points from the original grade are replaced by the repeat grade. The original grade and repeat grade appear on the academic transcript.
  7. Students who pre-register for the second half of a sequential course, but who do not successfully complete the first half, must officially withdraw from the second half before the semester begins.
  8. A student may attempt a course no more than three times.
  9. More restrictive requirements within a specific major may supersede these policies.