Computer Mediated Instruction or electronic learning (eLearning) is a planned teaching/learning experience that is Internet/computer based where instruction in part or in whole takes place online. All students enrolled in an e-course or courses using the Brightspace platform will abide by all rules and regulations published by the University, and agree that they are subject to the jurisdiction of all disciplinary panels and procedures established by the University to address violations of rules or the Honor Code. Students must abide by the information contained in the Student Guide to Online Courses, which can be obtained online.
- Students cannot be added to a fully online course after the course start date.
- Students cannot be added to a hybrid or eCompanion section after the drop/add period.
- Proctored exams are required for all fully online undergraduate courses.
- A student who does not participate for a week in a fully online course without contacting the professor can be dropped from the course.
- All holds (tuition, health, etc.) must be cleared in order to access eCompanions, hybrids or fully-online courses. Check your Self-Service (Hub) account to view courses for which you are officially registered. Contact the Registrar’s Office or the Office of Student Accounts if you do not see a course for which you are registered. Cohort students should contact their Program Coordinator for registration issues.
- Check your Felician email account for log-on instructions to Brightspace.
- Save all of your online assignments to a Word File. Once the course ends you will not have access to your assignments.
- All correspondence will be through your Felician University email account.
As a Catholic University in the Franciscan tradition, Felician University values scholarship and truth as integral parts of its academic identity. All students are governed by the regulations and provisions printed in the University catalog, Student Handbook, and Honor Code. Cheating, plagiarizing, or otherwise falsifying study results are prohibited. Unacceptable online conduct includes, but is not limited to, postings that are racist, derogatory, inflammatory, condescending, rude or in any way offensive and will result in a student being denied further access to the course. The Core Rules of Netiquette must be followed.
The following are forms of academic dishonesty and will result in disciplinary action:
- Plagiarism: Plagiarism consists of using another author’s words without proper identification and documentation of that author. Plagiarism takes the form of direct quotations without the use of quotation marks and/or documentation, or paraphrasing without proper identification and documentation. The fabrication of sources, or the act, deliberately or unconsciously, of passing another author’s work off as one’s own are also considered to be plagiarism.
- Falsification: Falsification consists of deliberately changing results, statistics, or any other kind of factual information to make it suit personal needs. It also consists of deliberately changing a source’s intent by misquoting or taking something out of context.
- Multiple submissions: If you wish to turn in the same work or use the same research, in whole or in part, for more than one course, you must obtain written permission to do so from all professors involved. Failure to obtain this permission constitutes a violation of the Honor Code.
- Collaboration with others on exams or projects, unless directed to by the professor, is prohibited.
- Duplicity: It is a violation of the Honor Code to have someone else do your assignments or log-on as you.
Courses offered online comprise and contain copyrighted materials. All course material is the exclusive property of Felician University. The course delivery system is the property of, Inc. The Brightspace website is provided solely for the use of students and prospective students of Felician University. No one may distribute, publish, or use the materials, audio files, images or design, or any part of the materials, audio files, images, or design of the website whatsoever. Users are only authorized to view, copy, and print documents contained within the website, subject to the agreement that:
- Use is for the performance of course-work as required by the professor teaching the course you have officially registered for;
- User will display all copyrighted notices and retain any other copyright and other proprietary notices on all copies made;
- User will not reuse any material contained on the website, including but not limited to the “look and feel” of the course delivery system and the functionality of the course delivery system;
- User will not copy the course delivery system used in the website for any commercial or noncommercial purpose;
- User will not copy any codes or graphics contained in this site, except those graphics used in courses, subject to the above terms;
- User will not share any information about the functionality of the courses in this web site with any party outside of the University system;
- User has not gained access to the website for copying the contents of the courses or the course delivery system for personal commercial or non-commercial use, or a company’s commercial or non-commercial use;
- User understands that he/she is subject to the Copyright laws of the United States of America, and will not violate those laws.